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HypnoBirthing Course Content

There are five classes in the HypnoBirthing Course, each class is a little under three hours long. It is essential that you attend all five classes, as well as be committed to doing the "homework" of practice at home with your partner and reading the materials. It takes some time and work on your part to deprogram your mind of all of the negativity, doubts, and fears that you have been harboring in your subconcious since earlier than you can remember regarding labor & birth.

What do the five classes cover?

Session One

Setting the stage

Intro the HypnoBirthing 

Session Two

Pre-Birth Family Bonding & Preparing Your Mind & Body​

Session Three

Self-hypnosis Visualization & Advanced Deepening

Session Four

Overview & Summary of Childbirth (Birth Explained)

Session Five

Birthing - The Final Act & Bonding

What Does the Course Include?

  • Five HypnoBirthing Classes, each 2.5 hour classes run by a certified HypnoBirthing practitioner

  • A personal copy of the 302-page HypnoBirthing Book(HypnoBirthing-The Mongan Method)

  • Audio download card with HypnoBirthing’s own Rainbow Relaxation and positive affirmations aimed at increasing your confidence for a healthy and successful pregnancy and birth.              

  • Bound book of Handouts including but not limited to:


– five professionally written scripts to use at home while practicing and preparing for your special day.

– birth preference (plan) handouts to assist you as you create your own vision of your birth to share with your care providers

– affirmations for both moms and their birth companions

– pregnancy nutrition

– growing a healthy baby

– preparing your body for birth through body awareness and special exercises

– positions for labor and birth

– gentle breathing techniques used during labor to aid in relaxation and a healthy, happy baby.

– optimal position for baby’s easy descent

- and more!


  • Several practitioner led hypnotic/relaxation sessions to assist couples in building confidence, eliminating fears, and creating a new foundation from which a safer, easier, more comfortable and satisfying birth experience can be achieved

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